Letters of appreciation

Jades Journey, to inspire.

   “I am 81 years of age and happy to share my cancer story:  

 A mammogram was how the first cancerous lump in my breast was discovered.  I had a Lumpectomy followed by radiation treatment.  

After 2 years my Oncologist said the newest protocol was to change to another medication but, worried about side effects, I decided to not take anything.  

Seventeen years later I found a lump in the same breast.  It too was cancerous and I had a Mastectomy at the hospital as an out-patient, my surgeon explaining, because I had previously had a lumpectomy there were no lymph nodes to deal with, therefore a much simpler operation.  This it was, and I was good to return home that same day.  I followed his instructions and felt perfectly fine once the healing was complete. 

At my age I was not interested in an implant so one side is completely flat but my same bras fit fine, with a ‘knitted knocker’ filling the vacant area to perfection! 

I must share a funny story – one day at the hairdressers an acquaintance arrived with her healthy, chipper, elderly mum and while chatting I told them about my recent mastectomy and pulled out my ‘knitted knocker’.  Well, lo and behold, her 95 year old mum did the same, producing her version!  Everyone in the salon burst out laughing with us – this could only happen in a friendly hair salon!  Her mum then told us she had her operation many years ago.  

Likewise, my lady GP told me that as a child she always remembered her mum sending her husband out of the room while she rearranging her implant before going out, as way back then implants were not as perfected and would tend to slip out of place, but it never stopped her from an active lifetime of family life and holiday travel into her late 80’s.  

Thank you, Oakley Stitchers of Knitted Knockers, for your wonderful service which is so very, very helpful to us ladies.   


Our Stitchers:

We asked our stitchers why they got involved and what stitchers has brought to them. Here are a few responses.

We are always welcoming new stitchers to our team. please get in touch to find out more.


Knitter and Sewer

I joined the group a few months ago and now part of the kempshott group. For me it covers two areas. One …. My pleasure in meeting up socially with lovely like minded people. I lost confidence with my sewing and knitting skills but this is slowly coming back with no pressure only encouragement. Two …. The pleasure of knowing that what you create is going to help someone somewhere when they most need it. So pleased I found this group and would encourage anyone if they are thinking about it …. Just do it you won’t regret it.



I knew about you from the beginning, but got involved when husband was terminally I’ll with dementia and I needed something simple to do with my hands when I couldn’t get out much and couldn’t do anything complicated in case I was needed instantly. Hadn’t knitted for thirty years, but enjoyed it and I’m now on my first knocker.


sewer and Knitter

I'm a new stitcher, being part of the group for just a couple of months. I've always wanted to learn to sew, but found it difficult to find the motivation as I had no purpose for it. Since finding Oakley Stitchers I've had a reason to sew, and learn all I can in the process, and I know that what I make will help make someone's life just a little bit easier in some of their toughest moments. I love the variety of what there is to make, and have enjoyed meeting some new people, let's not forget to mention how amazing it feels to do something good for those in need. Thank you for letting me be a part of something special


sewer and Knitter

I started with Stitchers early on sewing scrubs and masks. Frustrated at being unable to use my professional skills to assist with the pandemic, it gave me a much-needed boost to be able to do something for health workers and a really purposeful use of lockdown time. I continue mostly by knitting Knockers now and love being part of such a wonderful community group



I was part of the covid stitchers and what a fabulous group to be part of. I reengaged with my sewing skills, making masks, scrubs and headbands. As we returned to some sort of normality, work had to take priority. Will not forget my experience with a bunch of lovely people


Sewer and knitter

I like the group as it gets me out off the house, meeting people with similar interests. The knowledge that everyone brings to the groups is always really helpful. 

Our facebookp page keeps us all up to date about groups, when, where they are and keeps us infomed about events. I enjoy helping on the stalls, trying to get others involved, explaining all of the amazing things we do and raising money by selling some of the things that we make. 

I love that the items we make support  special care baby's and cancer units , knowing that you doing your part in supporting our community and the wider community, including in our hospitals is important to me.

Some of the many thank you's recieved from those who have requested and recieved items from us:

I feel much more human with my Knitted Knockers


Thank you so much for my wonderful knockers which arrived today – such a fantastic service and so quick, I could hardly believe it when I arrived home to your parcel.

I have already put them in situ and I feel much more human with the larger size.

Many thanks again for your kindness, you have made me very happy.

Kindest regards,

Macmillan nurses - Basingstoke 

Dear Oakley Stitchers,

I just wanted to write and say a big thank you on behalf of the Breast CNS team for all the time you give to making the pressure relief cushions, picc sleeve covers, hats and wound drainage bag covers.  They are beautifully made and make such a difference for our patients. It is lovely to be able to give these out on your behalf. 

I dropped off some items to the Rainbow Unit yesterday and I plan to take the remainder down to the Nick Jonas Chemotherapy Unit and the Winchester Breast CNS team.

Many thanks once again, from us all.


NHS -Surrey

Thank you so much for your bag of knitted items for our babies and their families. We are always so thankful for the generosity of strangers who are so willing to give of their time and skills. 

We will share the items between SCBU and Maternity, and we are sure the families of our babies will be so grateful to receive them. 

Please pass on our thanks to all your knitters, sewing ladies and crafters, and hope the Spring and Summer are happy sunny times for all. 

Kind regards

Aqua Knocker will make such a difference

Thank you so so much my gorgeous parcel came today and will make a massive difference to my holiday. Thank you all so much xx

Drain Bags

Good morning

I just wanted to say a massive thank you for the drain bag I was currently given at Wycombe hospital following a lumpectomy.

It just made everything that little bit easier. 🌻

Many thanks once again.

Post surgery kit

Just to say thanks so much for my knitted knockers and for the drain bag. Also thank you for the little bean bag cushion. It's very much appreciated.

I passed on your charity's details to my nurse at The Breast Care Unit at George Eliot Hospital in Nuneaton. 

Kindest regards and thanks again so much

 Knockers are so comfortable in comparison to other options

Thank you so much for my new knockers,they are absolutely gorgeous and so comfortable. I feel more comfortable than I have for years.

Once dressed my Knockers are just a part of me

Dear Caroline and all the oakly stitcchers,

Thank you for the lovely email that was sent in response to my request. It was enjoyable and informative reading.

I will certainly do all I can to make people aware of knitted knockers, I have already have passed information on to several

friends and showed them your work. I wear my knockers daily with pride, they are warm comfortable and do the job without

being intrusive, Once you are dressed for the day they just become part of you.

Once again a huge thank you to all the wonderful knitters, your kindness and lovely work goes a long way,

it puts a smile on my face to know there are still such selfless and dedicated people around.

Best wishes

love to you all,


Macmillan reconstruction support

Thank you so much for the amazing bag off goodies I have received today. Such a lovely parcel to get on a Friday!!! The contribution of things will make such a difference to our patients and to other members of the team that look after cancer patients.

We cannot thank you enough for volunteering your time to make these items.

With very best wishes and hope everyone has a lovely weekend

Macmillan Breast Reconstruction Support Worker

Macmillan nurses

Dear Stitchers,

This morning when I walked into the office, I saw this HUGE box and forgotten what I could have ordered.

To my delight it was filled with so many goodies from the lovely oakley stitchers. Its like christmas here in the office!!

Thank you once again for all the hard work that yourself and your team put in. We could never be thankfull enough.

Best Wishes and have a lovely week

Macmillan Breast care support worker

Buckinghamshire Healthcare NHS


Replacement Knockers for my Mum.

I just wanted to email you all to say a massive thank you for the parcel of new 'knitted knockers' which you kindly sent for my mother after the one she created when she could see was lost when moving wards.

She is at last back home after nearly 3 months in hospital. She was very excited to open the parcel and immensely grateful for the time and kindness you have shown in sending them to her; and she has greatly enjoyed wearing her new 'knocker'.

I can't thank you enough for giving her back her 'dignity' and allowing her to feel 'normal' again.

With kind regards

My drain bag and cushion are a godsend!

Project Management


I just wanted to say a huge thank you for the parcel you sent me a pair of knockers, drain bag and pressure cushion.

I had my mastectomy today and my drain bag is a godsend. As is the cushion.

Thank you so much,

Best wishes

My Aqua knockers  keep their shape with wearing and washing, i'm delighted.

Thank you so much for the Aqua Knockers. My sister and I are absolutely delighted with them. They stay put in your swimsuit, give you a good shape and keep their shape after wearing and washing. We are in fact so pleased with them that we would like to try the day2day one please.

Once again thankyou all for the brilliant Aqua Knockers.


My drain bags just made life that little bit easier.

I had my double mastectomy yesterday and used my drain bags today and they are fantastic. Thank you soooo much, just one more thing to make life a bit easier. Please thank your team for me too.

Thank you also for my knitted knockers which I will use soon too.

Am so grateful.

Best wishes,

These drain bags are such a good idea!


I just wanted to say a big thank you for my drain bag.

It's such a good idea and so helpful. The adjustable strap works so well as it means I can place the bag at different heights, depending on what I'm doing.

Best wishes,

Just as I thought nothing would be the same again...

Hi stitchers , it felt like Christmas when I received my parcel with the knitted knockers today. They are beautiful and so soft to touch. A huge thank you for your help with my request. Two radiotherapies done., 13 to go. All ok so far but still a way to go with drugs etc. 

The support from your website has been so helpful at a time when we can think nothing will ever be the same again. I am so grateful to my friend who recommended I check out the knitted knockers site. Very best wishes to you and your team of knitters, regards

My Knitted Knockers give a feeling and look of normality.


I would like to thank you all for this wonderful gift, after recent surgery I have found it a great benefit and very comfortable.  They are great to wear, giving a feeling and look of normality during a devastating time.

I wish you all the very best for the future, thank you once again for being so caring and supportive.


Macmillan Nurses - High Wycombe

Just to say a big thank you for the donations yesterday, our patients really do appreciate the items you provide, as do we. 

Kind Regards 

Pressure relief Pillow has been excellent!

Thank you. 

I was gifted one of your pillows by the MacMillan breast nurses at Basingstoke hospital and it is brilliant.

I had my boob and lymph nodes removed yesterday and your little pillow has been most excellent. 

 Thank you 

My Knockers are Beautiful!

Omg beautifull,arrived today,thanku thanku soooo much xxxx 

Knitted Knockers - messages received

Here are some of the lovely messages we have received. 

We value all of the comments we receive and love to hear how you get on.

My new knockers have really cheered me up

Dear Oakley Stitchers

Thank you so much for the pack you sent me. 

What a lovely thoughtful way to package everything up as well.

 I am more than happy with my new knockers.

 This has really cheered me up

 best Wishes


These knockers are great

Hi All

I got the fab knockers few days back. Thankyou soooo much. 

They are great. 

Scary at first as they looked Very big, but as you said I did remove some of the stuffing to get them to fit me better. 

Please pass on my thanks if u can to Barbara and Caroline who made them.   

Much appreciated 


I love my Aquaknockers

Dear Oakley Stitchers,

I have just received my aqua knockers.. they are absolutely amazing! Very comfortable. 

Thank you so much.  The information inside was perfect. I opened it,  well,my little boy actually helped open it! 

(He loves opening the post with me!) And everything  fell out.

 The info leaflet I've found today for my aqua knockers is perfect!

Thank you so much again.


They fit really nicely.

HI Stitchers


Thank you so much. It (the KK) arrived on Saturday and you were right, it was huge!! But I’ve taken lots of the filling out and it’s now fitting really nicely. It’s actually a bit strange to be evenly matched again after such a long time; I think it will take a while to get used to it. But I'm very happy, and grateful for your support. Thank you.

Very best wishes

Nicki x

Thank you so much

Hello Stitchers,

Just to let you know that I have received my knockers and they are fab! 

I have ordered some new bras to use them with 

so hoping they will look great. 

Anyway, thank you so so much 



My new Knockers will improve my body image.

 All you kind caring stitchers 

Thank you for my knitted knockers which will improve my body image considerably. At the very least my belly will look smaller now my chest looks bigger. All joking aside I was very moved by your parcel of love and good wishes.

To be the recipient of such generosity of spirit moved me and I will be grateful to all you lovely ladies especially you Caroline.

Thank you so much,      



 Dear Stitchers,

My knocker arrived today and its perfect. Thank you ever so much x  


So emotional receiving my knockers

 Hello Caroline and you lovely ladies.

I gave my friend, your lovely knitted knocker. To say she was overwhelmed is an understatement. She was very emotional and extremely grateful for your generous gift. 

I haven't seen her since I gave her the booby due to the weather, but she has worn it in her home.

Thank you so much to all you lovely ladies.


I was having problems with my hospital prosthetic (stuck up with tape in places😢) and getting a new one so I decided to try one and have never regretted it. I had my mastectomy in 1997 so am very fortunate. You can reassure ladies there is life after a mastectomy and at nearly 87 I am grateful. It is so good there is more support now. 


Thank you for the donation of drain Bags and PICC Line covers.
these hugely help our post operative patents.
QE2 Hospital



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